
5 People that will love The ADHD Mermaid!

You may be wondering, am I in the right place? Let’s find out!

  1. Are you a mom with ADHD that feels overwhelmed?
  2. Do you have a child with ADHD?
  3. Are you thinking about homeschooling your child with ADHD or do you already homeschool?
  4. Do you want to learn more natural solutions for ADHD, or do you already use natural solutions?
  5. Do you want to live more simply, or declutter and minimize the things in your home and life?

If you answered yes to most of those questions, then you’re in luck because… You’re in the right place, so keep reading!

You woke up to get kids ready for school, and get breakfasts only to remember that you forgot to load the dishwasher last night (again!) and the sink is full of dishes. You don’t have time to do them this morning, so you will have to wash some tonight before supper, so you can eat off of them.

Or you woke up and remembered that you forgot to make the kids lunches for school, so now you have to make lunches at 6:30. AM! AND make sure the kids are ready and have everything they need for school.

You tell your child with ADHD to do one thing (put on clothes for school or put on shoes) and 15 minutes later they still don’t have their clothes or shoes. Why? They got distracted by something, and they forgot.

Maybe you are thinking about homeschooling your child, but you’re not sure where to even begin! You think, “How will I keep up with their schoolbooks and schoolwork if I cant even find my keys and phone half the time? How can I teach them school if I’m so disorganized all the time?” But you know homeschooling would be better for them, and you DEFINITELY don’t want to coparent with the government.

Maybe a doctor has already prescribed a stimulant medication for your child or teen, and you would rather try something natural first, and you’re not sure where to start.

Maybe your child is on a stimulant medication already, but they are losing weight because it supresses their appetite, or they are having mood swings, or in a zombie like trance. You start to wonder if there is something better, without so many side effects,

Maybe YOU’RE on a stimulant medication, or prescribed one, and you just hate pills. 🙂 That’s me too! I’m a pill gagger, but I know you didn’t want to know that, so moving on…

Maybe, you do start to homeschool, but there isn’t enough space on the table or kitchen counters to do school work because every surface is covered already with stuff!

Maybe you can’t think, and make decisions, and you’re constantly overwhelmed because all the clutter is giving you anxiety, and makes you a little depressed.

Do any of those scenarios sound familiar? Then you’re in the right place! This space is for you. I wanted to create a community of moms that get each other. That understand each other.

I carved out this space on the internet, just for YOU! So welcome, pull up a chair, and also buckle up and enjoy the ride! This ADHD life and journey can get wild and crazy!

Please comment below and let me know person you are! I can’t wait to meet you!

XOXO, Tara

Image by congerdesign from Pixabay

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