It’s Time to Reimagine ADHD!
Leave a Comment / adhd awareness / By tbird82412
I am tired of looking around and seeing adults and even small children, prescribed medicine for their ADHD. I am tired of looking around and seeing children in school not being taught the way they learn best, and getting in trouble for not being able to sit still. I am tired of people suggesting that something is wrong with these precious children, and that their “behavior needs to change.” If you agree with all of that, then the ADHD Mermaid is for you!
And even some adults are buying into the lie that they “can’t function” as an adult unless they take a pill. So many people, adults and children, are struggling with ADHD, and there just hasn’t been a solid online community created to help them get rid of the guilt that society has placed upon them, and help them thrive with ADHD.
So I decided to build it! Let me explain the what’s, why’s, and how’s right now.
The ADHD Mermaid Was designed For overwhelmed moms with kids who have ADHD, and moms with ADHD who want to change the ADHD narrative.
I believe adults and children with ADHD are amazing, and have so much to give to the world! They are creative geniuses, that leave me speechless when they are in their zone of genius. Nothing is wrong with these children and adults, they just aren’t taught the skills they need in life, and to be really honest, I think we need to change the narrative on what skills people should and shouldn’t know anyway!
Is it that children need to change their behavior so they can sit still in their seat in class so they can “focus and learn better”, or is it that teachers need to teach them differently? Or teach ALL kids differently? Some kids can learn the conventional way, but most cannot learn that way! And to go even further, is it that they need to change the way they teach so the children who can’t sit for long can still learn they way they learn best, or is it that they just need to change the CURRICULUM and change the STANDARDS for ALL kids? Yes, I did just put all caps a few times, but that’s because I’m VERY passionate (there I go again) about this topic.
Moms are so overwhelmed right now in these times we are living in, and helping their children learn the curriculum aligned with the state standards, and in the end…it doesn’t even matter. Let me explain what I mean.
In public school, or any school really, the ONLY way children can show what they have learned, is by a test. A child may actually know the lessons inside and out, but if they are not good at pen and paper tests, they might fail, or not do so well. Then, according to that test, they didn’t learn. So the child that actually does know the information, just failed because that is the ONLY way teachers can measure what the students are learning.
Unfortunately, this happens all too often to children with ADHD. They may know the lessons, but are better at saying it verbally than writing it. Sometimes, children with ADHD struggle to write because they can’t organize their thoughts to put it on paper.
People are pushing these children to perform in a way that actually isn’t developmentally appropriate for their age and development! They are taught the state standards and curriculum that someone thinks they need to learn. Who says they need to learn these things at all? Who says they are “behind” just because they didn’t learn as fast as another child? I think that the standards and expectations put on kids in school, are not helping them fall in love with learning, its making them little robots that aren’t supposed to be curious or creative when that’s what they were born to do!
In conclusion, just because a child gets a bad grade on a test, that doesn’t mean there is something wrong with the child. That doesn’t mean they can’t learn. There is nothing wrong with them. And mama, there is nothing wrong with YOU. I am here to bust through some ADHD myths that we have heard all of our lives. I am here to show you a different way of thinking about adhd. It’s time to Reimagine ADHD.
Please comment below if you want to be a part of this movement and community with me!
See ya on the flip side!
xoxo, Tara
Image by Ekaterina Ershova from Pixabay